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83 titles
 Software - 1
Stock #On HandOrderItem NamePrice   
CD72602710 Tons of Games Mega Coll. 1$1.99

CD81703810000 Designer Photos$3.75

CD81713410000 Designer Photos vol.2$3.75

CD442413910000 Graphics Pack v 1$1.99

CD744531610000 Graphics Pack Vol. 2 (fl)$1.99

CD816420100000 Designer Clip Art (box)$4.75

CD76095211th Hour$6.25

CD65217116 Million Business Phone Book$1.99

CD616631999 World Book Dlx. (box)$0.99

CD680451st Grade Learning Center$5.25

Item Details

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 10000 Designer Photos

Stock# CD8170


An excellent collection of royalty-free photo's all in JPEG format. Over 20 categories in one collection: Animals Architecture Asian Backgrounds Birds Clouds Coastal Food Forest Industrial Landscape Mountains Objects People and more.

Platform 95/98

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