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 Software - C
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Stock #On HandOrderItem NamePrice   
CD748968Cabbage Patch Kids the Screen Test (Movie CD)$0.49


CD7491172Cabbage Patch Kids the New Kid (Movie CD)$0.49


CD603384Consumer Reports Cars$0.49

CD7110225Challenge Pack 7 Games$0.99

CDM004762Creative Backgrounds & Textures (Mac)$0.99

CD71636Command Adv. Starship$0.99

CD765838Compton's '99 Encyclopedia (no cover)$0.99

CD6855129Check It NetOptimizer (box)$0.99

CD629117Color Playhouse$0.99

CD7444187Craft Factory (fl)$0.99

CD781671Chutes and Ladders (no back cover)$1.99

CD769328Car Buying Made E-Z (box)$1.99

CD769529College Funding Bills Made E-Z (box)$1.99

CD74632Crossword Collection (box)$1.99

CD769445Collecting Unpaid Bills Made E-Z (box)$1.99

CD759276Correspondent Write & Translate in Italian$1.99

CD759176Correspondent Write & Translate in German$1.99

CD759074Correspondent Write & Translate in French$1.99

CD7442257Casino Master (fl)$1.99

CD748252Calculus II (Pro One)$1.99

CD752320Casino Deluxe 2$1.99

CD618810Credit Consumer & Employment Law (box)$1.99

CD697634Checkers (Pro Series)$1.99

CD690089Check It FastMove w/cable (box)$1.99

CD686072Check It Utilities (box)$1.99

CD6140140College Algebra (box)$1.99

CM000740Cat/Dog Mouse$1.99

CD778138Casino Games 3000 Pro$1.99

CD60242Compton's Interactive World Atlas 97$1.99

CD745392Casino Slots (fl)$1.99

CD810174Creatures 2 (fl)$1.99

CD769627Corporate Record Keeping Made E-Z (box)$1.99

CD76841CD Cleaning Kit$2.25

CDM007719Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia 95 (Mac)$2.75


CD812446Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia$2.75

CD814273Custom Cookbook$2.75

CD636436Catz (box)$2.99

CD6968106Click Art Fine Art (box)$2.99

CD632033Calendar Creator Ver. 7$2.99

CD7589253Correspondent Write & Translate in Spanish$2.99

CD706945Calendar Creator Deluxe version 8$2.99

CD766458Candy Land Adventure$2.99

CD39009Cross & Word Games$2.99

CD413029Christian Desktop$2.99

CD6093162Carmen SanDiego Word Detective$2.99

CD765021Chess Compendium 3D mini-cd$3.00

CD36591364Connections (box)$3.75

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