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Stock #On HandOrderItem NamePrice   
CD0975148Inside the Whitehouse (no cover)$0.99

CD0977531Multimedia World Factbook$0.49

CD0984220Story of the States$0.99


CD204143Horoscope Companion Aquarius$0.99

CD285857Sporting Clays$0.99

CD305934Sega Touring Car Championship$1.99

CD3227108Breach 3 (box)$0.99

CD322957Alien Legacy (box)$1.99

CD3369429Multimedia U. S. History (no front cover)$0.99

CD3373380Deer Hunter$1.99

CD358158Automotive Seminar (box)$1.99

CD35921Virtual Shooting Gallery$0.99


CD419613Le Grand Louvre$1.99

CD4291218Virtual Pool (box)$0.99

CD442413910000 Graphics Pack v 1$1.99

CD463773Orbits 3.0$0.99

CD465859Power Poker$1.99

CD479716Disney's Timon/Pumbaa's Bug Drop ($1.99

CD5060435Turkey Hunt 3D (box)$1.99

CD51361752000 Sound Effects vol. 2 (fl)$0.99

CD546635Star Trek ConQuest Online (box)$1.99

CD5738318Deer Hunt 3D (no back cover)$1.99

CD584592Bridge Olympiad (box)$0.99

CD584720Mech Warrior 2 (box)$1.99

CD584810Redline (box)$0.99

CD5850379Sega Last Bronx (box)$1.99

CD5851374Hardball 6 (box)$1.99

CD58995Treasure Hunt Math$1.99

CD592646Sega PC Manx TT Super Bike$1.99

CD5944110Test Drive 4$1.99

CD60242Compton's Interactive World Atlas 97$1.99

CD6096115Deer Hunter's Extended Season (box)$1.99

CD6106337XS (box)$0.99

CD61078Evel Knievel$0.99

CD610878Diana Princess of Wales (box)$1.99

CD613212Links LS w/Arnold Palmer (box)$1.99

CD6140140College Algebra (box)$1.99

CD616631999 World Book Dlx. (box)$0.99

CD622380Fighter Duel (fl)$0.99

CD623464Fonts! Fonts! Fonts! v.3$0.99

CD624554Spooky Castle (box)$1.99

CD6259175Screamer (box)$0.49

CD626657625000 Web Objects (fl)$1.99

CD627820Photo Gallery 5000 Vol. 2 (fl)$0.99

CD6280118Ultimate Screen Saver (fl)$0.49

CD628495500 3D Clip Art (fl)$0.99

CD629370Flexomatic Clip Art$0.99

CD631676Encarta 98 Encyclopedia & Research Organizer$0.49

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